Recipecs: Delicious Banana Bread Recipe with 2 Bananas

Hello there, fellow bakers! At Recipecs, we're always on the lookout for ways to transform everyday ingredients into delightful treats. Today, we're diving into a classic recipe that’s both simple and satisfying: Banana Bread made with just 2 Bananas. If you’ve got a couple of overripe bananas sitting on your counter, this is the perfect recipe to ensure they don’t go to waste. Let’s explore how you can turn those bananas into a moist, flavourful loaf of banana bread with minimal effort.

Why Banana Bread?

Banana Bread Recipe with 2 Bananas,  is a beloved comfort food for many reasons. Its simplicity is part of its charm: it requires basic ingredients, is easy to prepare, and fills the kitchen with a warm, inviting aroma. Moreover, it’s a fantastic way to use up bananas that might otherwise end up in the bin. Overripe bananas are ideal for banana bread as they are naturally sweeter and more flavourful, making them perfect for this recipe.

Key Ingredients for Your Banana Bread Recipe with 2 Bananas

1. Bananas: The star of the show is, of course, the bananas. For this recipe, you’ll need 2 ripe bananas. They should be soft and speckled with brown spots. These bananas are not only sweet but also contribute to the moist texture of the bread.

2. Flour: Plain flour forms the base of your banana bread. It provides the structure and bulk necessary for the loaf. All-purpose flour is typically used, but you can substitute it with wholemeal flour for a healthier option or gluten-free flour if you need a gluten-free version.

3. Sugar: Granulated sugar adds sweetness and helps in browning the crust. You can also use brown sugar for a richer flavour, or even honey or maple syrup for a different twist.

4. Butter: Butter contributes to the flavour and texture of the bread. It’s best used at room temperature so it can mix easily with the other ingredients. For a healthier alternative, you can use vegetable oil or melted coconut oil.

5. Eggs: Eggs act as a binding agent and help to provide structure to the bread. They also add moisture. If you're looking for an egg-free option, you can use a flax egg or chia egg.

6. Baking Powder and Baking Soda: These leavening agents help the bread rise. Baking powder and baking soda work together to create a light and fluffy texture. If you only have one of these, you can still make the recipe work by adjusting the quantity accordingly.

7. Salt: A pinch of salt enhances the flavours and balances the sweetness.

8. Vanilla Extract (Optional): Vanilla extract adds an extra layer of flavour. It’s optional but highly recommended for a richer taste.

The Perfect Banana Bread Recipe with 2 Bananas

Now that we’ve covered the ingredients, let’s get into the step-by-step process of making this delectable banana bread.


  • 2 ripe bananas

  • 125g plain flour

  • 100g granulated sugar (or 75g if you prefer less sweet)

  • 50g butter, softened

  • 1 large egg

  • 1 teaspoon baking powder

  • 0.5 teaspoon baking soda

  • A pinch of salt

  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract (optional)


1. Preheat Your Oven: Start by preheating your oven to 175°C (350°F). Grease a loaf tin or line it with baking paper to ensure your banana bread comes out easily.

2. Prepare the Bananas: Peel the bananas and place them in a mixing bowl. Using a fork or potato masher, mash the bananas until smooth. You should have about 1 cup of mashed banana.

3. Cream the Butter and Sugar: In a separate large bowl, cream the softened butter and granulated sugar together until light and fluffy. This can be done using an electric mixer or by hand with a wooden spoon. The process should take about 2-3 minutes.

4. Add the Egg and Vanilla: Beat the egg lightly and add it to the butter-sugar mixture along with the vanilla extract if using. Mix until well combined.

5. Combine Wet and Dry Ingredients: Add the mashed bananas to the wet mixture and mix until just combined. In a separate bowl, sift together the plain flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt. Gradually add the dry ingredients to the wet mixture, stirring gently until just combined. Be careful not to overmix; a few lumps are perfectly fine.

6. Pour and Bake: Pour the batter into the prepared loaf tin and spread it out evenly. Bake in the preheated oven for 50-60 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the centre comes out clean. The top should be golden brown and slightly cracked.

7. Cool and Serve: Once baked, remove the banana bread from the oven and let it cool in the tin for about 10 minutes. Transfer it to a wire rack to cool completely before slicing. This will help the loaf set and make slicing easier.

Tips for the Perfect Banana Bread

  1. Use Overripe Bananas: The riper the bananas, the sweeter and more flavourful your banana bread will be. Avoid using underripe bananas as they won’t provide the same sweetness.

  2. Room Temperature Ingredients: Make sure your butter and eggs are at room temperature for a smoother mixing process and better texture.

  3. Don’t Overmix: Overmixing the batter can result in a dense loaf. Mix until the ingredients are just combined.

  4. Add Extras: For added flavour, consider mixing in nuts, chocolate chips, or dried fruit. Just fold them into the batter gently before baking.

  5. Check for Doneness: Ovens can vary, so start checking your banana bread a few minutes before the recommended baking time. If it’s browning too quickly, cover it with foil to prevent burning.


This Banana Bread Recipe with 2 Bananas is a wonderful way to utilise those overripe bananas sitting on your counter. With its simple ingredients and straightforward process, it’s perfect for both novice and experienced bakers. At Recipecs, we’re excited to share this delightful recipe with you, and we hope it becomes a favourite in your baking repertoire.

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